Monday, December 12, 2011

Game of Thrones Season 2 Teaser

The first proper Game of Thrones S2 teaser aired last night on HBO after the Boardwalk Empire finale. It's not much, just shots of the characters looking dramatically at the camera and a voice-over of King Robert's lobster brother Stannis talking about taking the Iron Throne. Not to give away the main conflict of the season but the second book is called Clash of Kings for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. I was overwhelmed with all the people they introduced when the series first started, little did I know how many of them they would kill off in one way or another through the first season. On the bright side of life, now we can meet all new characters this season so we can see them also meet an unspeakable demise. Joffrey’s head can meet a pike at any time; I would not mind that one bit but I do not know if it will happen. I do not want to read the books until after the series, just so I can critical of it after the fact and enjoy the series that HBO is giving us. With just three months left until Season two starts, I think I am going to watch season 1 again to refresh myself on the show, and all the people that died. However, the nice thing is HBO has the whole first season still up so I can access it through my DISH remote app on my iPad on demand any time I want. Since I work nights at DISH the on demand will come in handy since HBO posts every show after it airs, I can stay caught up during season two as well.
