Monday, November 28, 2011

COP 17: Why You Should Care

COP 17 has arrived at least. It's time to worry ourselves into an ulcer hoping that just once the politicians of the world will pull their heads out of their arses long enough to come to an effective binding agreement on climate change. More likely, they will make grand pronouncements about what steps need to be taken to lessen carbon emissions and end up not following a single one of them. The buck always stops somewhere else. Gotta love politics.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know what the deal is with climate change. And if you have been living under a rock, well done, your carbon footprint must be very small. Dire warnings of ecological disaster abound and it's easy to dismiss them as apocalyptic fear-mongering. The world didn't go boom when Y2K happened or any of the days of Rapture predicted by crazy-preacher-of-the-moment. We don't know if the Mayans have it right yet but I'm willing to bet ludicrous amounts of money that we'll still be here come 2012. It's not like I'll have to pay up if I'm wrong.

Why believe the end-is-nigh people when it comes to global warming? Well, because climate change is screwing up the earth something fierce right now as we speak.

In 2006, an inhabited island disappeared underwater because of rising sea levels. Cool for Atlantis enthusiasts but not so cool for the people living there. Low-lying islands such as those in the Pacific are in danger of submersion. It's not just about the polar bears, there are actual people's lives and livelihoods involved. The increased incidence of natural disasters such as floods and droughts are resulting in higher levels of forced migration - more refugees and displaced families in other words. Even here at home we've seen water shortages on the Garden Route because of changing weather patterns.

This is serious shit. It's not just about polar bears; it's about human beings.

Don't believe Roland Emmerich (which is good advice to follow in general, not just when it comes to his disaster movies).The world won't end with a bang nor a whimper. We'll just have to deal with a lot more war, more political unrest, fewer resources, higher prices, more economic turmoil and all those other fun things that make living in the 21st century so much fun. Even if you're comfortably living in middle class suburban bliss and not on some island or flood plain, you will not escape the effects of global warming.

The time to act isn't now. The time to act was years ago. We desperately need to make up for lost time.

I'm not Al Gore! What the hell can I do?
Read up on green tips and do the ones that are possible for you. Recycle. Take a bath Carpool or take public transport if you can. Reduce your water usage. Brew your own beer. Poo in a bucket and use it for compost if you're that extreme about it.

I actually am Al Gore! What can I do?
Bitch, switch off your lights! Take your own advice and reduce the carbon footprint on those multiple mansions of yours. That doccie does not give you a free pass.

I am a corporate type swimming in money. What can I do?
Start with solar panels. Work on reducing energy consumption. Sponsor environmental initiatives.

I am a politician. What can I do?
My condolences. Talk is cheap. Enact laws that actually have a tangible positive effect, not just empty gestures. 

I am a global warming denier. What can I do?
Punch yourself in the face until you get better. Stop reading conspiracy theory websites and demonising scientists.

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