Monday, December 5, 2011

Tannies Get Panties in a Tizzy Over Porn Channel

Onanists, rejoice! Despite the best efforts of uptight busybodies, a porn channel is coming to satellite tv in January. As the channel's signal originates in godless, moral-less France, there's nothing South African authorities can do to stop the upcoming wanksplosion.

I can't wait to hear the same weak arguments from the repressed puritans that they always dust off whenever there's a hint of greater sexual openness in our culture. Let's see if I can remember them all:

1.) Rape! Porn leads to people becoming unstoppable rapists.
Never mind that there's no evidence to support this. Rape is a crime of power and opportunism, not sexuality. And in sexually repressive cultures, victims find it more difficult to speak out and seek help because of fear of stigmatisation. Violence in the media is a lot more pervasive and dangerous than depictions of consenting sexuality yet doesn't inspire much moral outrage among the usual suspects.

2.) Won't someone think of the children?

Yes, I hope you're thinking of your own children and not expecting the rest of us to raise your little darlings for you. If your little bugger has somehow found a way to subscribe to the channel, sneak the special kind of enabled decoder into their room and replaced your TopTV signal all without you noticing, they should be rewarded for being so resourceful.

3.) God says touching your private bits is wrong.
Cool, but not everyone shares your religion or even your specific religious doctrine. We're a secular nation; respect others' difference of religion or lack of by not imposing your morals on other people.

4.) But...but porn is icky/degrading/poorly-acted.
Then don't watch.

The biggest question I have regarding this porn channel is: who the hell even pays for porn nowadays? It's freely and easily available to anyone who has internet access. Is this the same kind of people who subscribe to those SMS lines incessantly advertised on late night eTV?

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